Thursday, March 17, 2016

Coats Of Arms

Coats Of Arms

Coats of arms are a unique design on shields, armor, and surcoats. The picture represents who they are and their traits.

Day 1 Notes
Traits: Beckham Tough, Serious, and Strict
           Young Joyful, Protective, and Helpful
           Lowy Creative, Kind, and Helpful

Birth Order: Beckham 2nd born
                     Young 2nd born
                     Lowy 1st born


Red: Passionate, Strong Willed, and Hatred
Orange: Warmth, Happiness
Yellow: Happiness, Creativity, Weakness or Cowardly
Green: Balance and Jealousy
Blue: Trust, Loyalty, and Unstable
Indigo: Integrity Kindness, and Judgmental
Purple: Imagination, and Arrogant
Pink: Love and Nurturing, Silly, Immature
Brown: Serious, Protection
Gray: Solid, Stable, Boring, and Drab
Black: Secretcy
White: Perfection, Wholeness

Day 2
Traits: Fuller Creative, Serious, and Imaginative
           Mahon Strict, Passionate, and Solid
           Emert Funny, Serious, and Inteligent

Birth Order: Fuller 2nd born
                    Mahon Only child
                    Emert 1st born

Shield Divisions and Meaning


Protection and Defense

Rule and Authority

Faith and Protection

Military Strips or Belt of Valor

Military Strength or Bravery

Military Strength or Fortitude



Earth and Country

Sea or Water

Clouds and Air

Fire, or the Walls of a Fortress or City

Sun Rays, Fame and Glory


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