Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Coats Of Arms Day 3 Notes

Day 3
Teachers Symbols:
Lowy: Grape - happiness bliss, and peace
Young: Key - knowledge, guardianship, and dominion
Fuller: Bee - creativity, diligence, and eloquence
Beckham: Elephant - bravery, strength, and ambition
Emert: Naked Arm - someone who believes in hardwork
Mahon: Azalea - temperance and passionate

Teachers Color:
Lowy: Yellow - happiness and creativity
Young: Brown - serious and protective
Fuller: Yellow - creativity and happiness
Beckham: Brown - serious and protective
Emert: Brown - serious and protective
Mahon: Gray - solid and stable

My Own Coats Of Arm
Symbols: Key and Horse
Color: Yellow and Red

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